Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ex-cuuuuse me! I stand corrected. It's POLYGYNY


Funny that Bill Clinton should come up in tandem with polygamy. Hmm. Can you imagine him telling Senator Clinton that he wanted THE SECOND WIFE?
"Hillary, honey..."

This from a fascinating piece over at

The Second Wife
I heard a commentary the other day which hit home like little else has in a long time. A news commentator had just finished interviewing some local youngsters on the impact that the Clinton/Lewinsky affair had upon them. Most of the young people said the same. "It is personal." "Let him be." "No one is perfect." and so forth... The commentator, when summing up his report said, "The President is supposed to represent the morals and values of the society that he represents." He paused and then said, "Maybe that is the problem."

That pretty much summed it up. Clinton represents the morals and values of America. He is the poster-child for the greedy, over-indulgent American who is concerned with nothing more than self gratification. So why do so many Muslims idealize this society? Why are so many of us so enamoured with the values of these people that we either appologize for or even deny basic tenents of our belief?

One such tenent is polygyny. Polygyny is the practice of marrying more than one wife. Unfortunately, often the term polygamy - the practice of marrying more than one spouse is used to describe the practice in Islam. This is incorrect. Islam allows more than one wife, up to four.

You can read the rest of it here if you like.

If you are anything like me you'll be looking for a hot shower and a double bourbon old fashioned afterwards. I think a trip to the Yankee Doodle might be in order.