Tuesday, August 23, 2005

That Handsome Patrick al-Kafir Gets Down

That handsome Patrick Al-Kafir gets down to the real nitty gritty with his insightful piece over at Clarity and Resolve.

I chose that name for this humble blog because I am convinced that those two attributes are what is required to fight and to win the war on jihad. One must clearly understand ones enemy to fight him effectively, and one must remain resolute to secure victory. It will not be easy. So few of us properly grasp the nature of Islam's jihad culture, and I sometimes fear that it will take more—and worse—cataclysmic Islamic terror attacks on our soil before Americans dispense with the petty, asinine divisiveness, and unite to go the distance on this one.

I don't care if you hate President Bush, conservatives, Republicans, hawks, neocons, whatever... If you want to call yourself a good American who loves America and its core principles, you are obligated to learn about this enemy, to gain an understanding of its nature in the context of history and recent events, and to get behind any politician who is committed to bringing powerful American deterrence and attrition directly to them.

There is no right/left dichotomy in shari'ah law.

Patrick, you continue to inspire me.