Islamic Org Chart v.2005
If you read this blog (or happened to catch this)the Prezident of Iran recently announced his plans for the Islamic Republic to take over the world and since you can't tell your players without your program, here is the latest Islamic Org Chart. (I am only sorry I can't figure out a way to html powerpoint)
Hokay. Listen, up. According to the Prez, Mah-man Mah-moud, all power belongs to Allah. All power. So Allah is occupying the sky box on our org chart.
And because Allah is a teriffic manager, he's delegated the privilege of power to the Prophet Mohammed. Panties be upon in him in the next box down.
This is where the chart starts to remind me of the Salomon Brothers org chart back in the day when it was still a partnership because it gets horizontal real quick after the Prophet. Instead of Predator Partners like at Salomon. though, we have the 12 Infallible Imams. (Skirting real close to the Twelve Disciples, here? Jus' sayin') Here's the lineup for the Fighting Imams.
Now here's where the rubber meets the road. Because the 12th imam is in something called "grand occultation" - (eclipsed by the infidel) the task falls to the "chosen ones from the family of the Prophet", of course.
Who dat?
Dat's da man in da black headrag, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the "Supreme Guide" who claims to be descended from Hossein, the third Infallible Iman.
It's a funny thing about that third Infallible Imam. Check this out.
Hossein (A.S) was the hero of Ashura (the 10th day of Muharran when Imam Hossein (A.S) was martyred), the greatest epic event in man's history. He was born to Ali (A.S), the man of Justice and chastity and Her Holiness Fatima (A.S), the symbol of a Muslim woman, in the 4th year ah. and was raised and reared under the care and supervision of a father such as Ali (A.S), a grandfather such as Muhammad (S.A.W) and a mother like Fatimah (A.S). After the martyrdom of Imam Hasan (A.S) in 50 ah., caliph Mua`viah increased his pressure and ordered all his governors to delete the names of the Shiite Muslims (followers of Ali (A.S) from the rosters of the Muslim treasury and to apprehend and put to death any one accused of sympathy for Ali (A.S). Yazid succeeded his father Mua`viah as caliph and followed the path of his sire. He ordered that lmam Hossein swear allegiance to him and be slain should he refuse.
Imam Hossein did not yield to Yazid, this prototype of meanness and villainy. He resorted to the sword and undertook the fundamental Ashura move that he might thus kindle a light (of hope) amid the darkness (of oppression) and to initiate history's eternal epic event. By sacrificing his all, including the lives of himself, his kin and supporters in the path of God; Imam Hossein (A.S).became a model and example for all those who tread in the path of Truth. Many books have been written about the personality of Imam Hossein (A.S) and a great deal has been talked about him. Friend and foe testify to Imam Hossein's matchless courage, bravery, patience, forbearance, his challenge of cruelty and injustice, his courtesy and humility, his kindness and his compassion.
You know, except for that resorting to the sword part,doesn't this give you a this-sure-sounds-a-lot-like-Jesus-of Nazareth-vibe? Man. The symbolism is thick on the ground here. Jesus forgave his disciples and died on the cross blessing his kin and supporters, Imam Hossein was killed by the sword and took everyone with him! Giving me shivers, here people.
I guess this is where Ahmadinejad, the Iranian terrorist-in-chief comes in. He says he will fight any and all forms of democracy in Iran so I'm still kind of confused where that leaves him in the grand scheme of things since he was supposedly elected democratically - in fair elections, too. (wink-wink)
Clearly, he's got the ear of the man in the black headwrap somehow and it has empowered him to make bold statements on his view on a new world order.
He calls the US "the hegemon" and asserts that the Bush plan for the Greater Middle East is a device to slow down the decline of the United States as a superpower.
"Despite its pharaonic roars," the document claims, "the hegemon is in its last throes."
If you don't think that this dude is actively working, RIGHT NOW, to accomplish this you've got another think coming...
Mah-man Mahmoud isn't going to stop until we all end up in little, tight, boxes under the thumb of the Infallible Imams...