I have a little bit of a doll fetish...
You may have noticed.And then I ran into Little Farah here.
Dhimmi mommies! Celebrate Christmas while you can and also prepare for your upcoming dhimmitude by buying little Sarah a Little Farah!Little Farah recites eleven Islamic phrases in English that are most commonly used in our daily lives. She will have your child learn these in no time. Little Farah is a cute, 12"doll that will make an ideal gift!
Little Farah recites one of the following eleven beautiful phrases each time she is pressed:
"My name is Farah and I will share with you some wonderful Islamic phrases."
"Welcome. Assalamu' Alaikum. Peace be on you."
"Let's begin Bismillah In the name of Allah" ....
"Aachhuu! (sneeze) Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah."
"I'm sorry. Astaghfirullah. I ask Allah's forgiveness."
"I promise. InshaAllah, If Allah wills."
"Thank you. JazakAllah. May Allah reward you."
"Good Bye. Fee Amanillah. I leave you in Allah's care."
"Let's say a loud Takbir. Allahu Akbar. Allah is Great."
"We should help the needy. Fee Sabeel Lillah. For the sake of Allah."
"Good Job! SubhanAllah. Glory be to Allah."
And in keeping with our earlier Iranian Pedophilia Love Fund theme, here is the hadith that references Aisha, the Prophet Mohammed's child bride. Ick, ick and ick.
In hadith:
Sahih Muslim
Book 031, Number 5981: 'A'isha reported that she used to play with dolls in the presence of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and when her playmates came to her they left (the house) because they felt shy of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), whereas Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent them to her.
Here's a better Farrah idea:
But this is the real Farah deal.
This is who you dhimmis should be listening to.