Monday, October 17, 2005

This is rich...

Silly me. I saw this headline from the UK Times and at first I thought someone at the UK times had read last week's article, Media utters nonsense, won't call enemy out by Mark Steyn (He-Who-Must-Be-Worshipped).
How about this cracking headline from the UK Times:
US airstrikes kill 70 'terrorists' in western Iraq

Instead of 'insurgents' or 'gunmen' or 'militia' or 'rebels' we now have 'terrorists'. Man, that mainstream media sure doesn't hesitate to call a killer a killer do they?

The airstrikes occurred in the city of Ramadi, at the heart of the troubled western province of Anbar on Sunday. Five US Marines were killed by a roadside bomb in the city on Saturday, the day Iraqis voted on the country's new constitution.

In one attack, a US jet dropped a precision-guided bomb on a group of 20 people that the US military said was planting roadside explosives. In another attack, US helicopters and jets responded to small arms fire and killed an estimated 50 militants in a supposed terrorist safe-house.

The US statement said there were no reports of any American or civilian casualties in the operation, but local doctors and witnesses said that as many as half of the victims were local residents rather than militants.

Please note that it didn't take long for them to go back to calling them militants and asserting that civilians were killed by the attack.

You've heard that old saying, 'Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas'. Well, Dinah has updated it to:
Lay down bombs with militants, get up dead.