Monday, January 30, 2006

Are Moderate Muslims the new Silent Majority?

Someone chastised me the other day for tarring all Muslims with the same brush. Someone was clueless.

My question -are there any moderate Muslims left? You wouldn't know it, would you? Where are they? What are they saying? Silence. Hearing the sound of crickets and thinking about the Silent Majority. Remember them? Hmm. Read this from the Gates of Vienna and the WSJ ($link). It's not right.

Another Moderate Muslim forced out by fundamentalists.
Unfortunately, the neighborhood I called my home for so many years has changed. It's no longer the familiar place it used to be and, most importantly, I no longer feel safe in Tensta. The influence of Islamic fundamentalists has grown so much over the years that it is now impossible for me and my family to live there anymore. I'm tired of being expected to speak badly of Christians and Jews just because I'm Muslim. I'm tired of the hate preachers. I'm tired of seeing women condemned for the way they dress. I don't want my daughter to be exposed to this type of aggression in the future. So I will soon have to leave.