Love Iranian Style
It's all about the Iranians and it's a repeat!I may be dating myself here but does anyone remember LOVE AMERICAN STYLE? It was on tv back in the late 60's (eek!)and as a young girl I used to love it (that and RAT PATROL. Go Figure.)
But that was then and this is now so how about taking a look at young girls today and some LOVE IRANIAN STYLE?Iran's vice-president Farhad Rahbar recently announced that his country will invest $1.3 billion to establish a "love fund" to encourage poor young people to marry.
The "Reza Love Fund", named after one of Shiite Islam's imams, was established in response to continued complaints on the part of Iran's youth, who say that they cannot afford to get married. Statistics show that young Iranian adults are living with their parents longer than ever before, while jobs, marriage and housing are seen as the top frustrations of young Iranians. Financial hardships of Iran's youth are contrasted with the fact that Iran is the fourth largest crude oil producer in the world. The new fund would redistribute oil revenue for the "Love Fund".
"The love fund is a realization of the new government's slogan -- taking oil money to the tables of the people," said Rahbar.
Gee, I wonder what happened to working for it? Oh that's right. The latest CIA World FactBook pegs their unemployment rate at 11.2% and states that: Iran's economy is marked by a bloated, inefficient state sector, over reliance on the oil sector, and statist policies that create major distortions throughout. Most economic activity is controlled by the state. Private sector activity is typically small-scale - workshops, farming, and services. Relatively high oil prices in recent years have enabled Iran to amass some $30 billion in foreign exchange reserves, but have not eased economic hardships such as high unemployment and inflation. The proportion of the economy devoted to the development of weapons of mass destruction remains a contentious issue with leading Western nations.
And if you listen to NPR (I don't) Fifteen percent of Iranians are unemployed, and some say the actual number is far higher. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may face resistance from the government and the country's conservative clerics in his efforts to address the problem.
Well, heck then why not shovel 1.3 billion clams to the mullahs for their little LOVE FUND? Yeah, that's the ticket.
And I'd like all the dhimmis in the crowd out there to make note of this:
Iran's Islamic law sets the minimum marriage age for girls at 9 and 15 for boys.
So in future, dear dhimmis, when you are swanning around and insisting on having your kum-ba-yah moment with the Iranian regime, think of the LOVE FUND and remember all the nine year old girls that are being "married" in order for their parents to cash in.
And while we're at it - here's another little Iranian factoid for you to mull over as you slouch to dhimmitude:According to the U.N. World Drug Report for 2005, Iran has the highest proportion of opiate addicts in the world -- 2.8 percent of the population over age 15. Only two other countries -- Mauritius and Kyrgyzstan -- pass the 2 percent mark. With a population of about 70 million and some government agencies putting the number of regular users close to 4 million, Iran has no real competition as world leader in per capita addiction to opiates, including heroin.
May God deliver us from these people.