Sunday, February 19, 2006

Gee - it's great to be back fighting the Islamic Jihad

one keystroke at a time again. And I do mean one keystroke at a time.

Keeping it real brief because of that thing called real life. In my case, getting the Lord manse ready to put on the market, dealing with my best friend's life-threatening illness, ongoing familial dysfunction, and taking a dumbass fall that has left me walking around like a gimp and rendered my mouse arm largely inoperable.

Eek a mouse! Did someone say Tom and Jerry? It just gets stranger and stranger in Motoon land, folks.

But enough Mickey Mousing around. Like I said I'm keeping it real brief because of this thing called real life. So let's play connect the dots and look at some links you might not have seen.

Things to watch that will mean we are bombing Iran from The Strategy Page.

Reasons why the bombing of the holy shrine in Samarra was the start of the Iranian Offensive from the American Spectator Blog courtesy of Regime Change Iran. (Will someone please 'splain to me why blowing up an Islamic holy site is okay? There have to be Korans in there and WE know how offended these folks get about their Koran being messed up. What about when they get blown up by fellow Muslims? Is there anything in the hadith about that?

Don't forget today's the deadline for Jill Carroll. I pray for her.

we'll attack Israel is interesting and totally expected. It looks like he is taking a page from the Nazi propaganda playbook.

William F Buckley throws in the towel on Iraq. Sort of. He never was really in this thing according to the Corner. Even Bill Kristol is getting discouraged.

Good thing we have Charles and Ernie over at LGF to cheer them up.

76 ErnieG 2/25/2006 07:32PM PST
To the folks who were asking what this is about, this is an old LGF joke, that started when someone remarked about the Palestinian custom of holding up portraits in demonstrations. Someone else suggested velvet Elvises, and the result was this.

Then followed this, this, this, this, and this.

And thanks to Kilgore Trout, here's the Velvet Prophet Panties Be Upon Him. I seem to remember Elvis liked his "wimmen" to wear white cotton drawers. Now there's a factoid that will get you brought up on sexual harassment charges if you spout it at work!

Cheers - Dinah