Thursday, November 30, 2006

Curtain Munchers Ole!

Hijab Debate Alarms Spanish Muslims
The Spanish government has called for a debate on the wearing of religious insignia in public places.MADRID — The Spanish government's decision to debate the issue of religious symbols, including hijab, in public institutions has sent shockwaves through the sizable Muslim minority fearing a repeat of the French nightmare.

"Muslims oppose any restrictions on religious freedoms and demand respect for symbols that reflect religious identities," the Federation of Islamic religious entities (FEERI), said in a statement obtained by

(ed.note: Oh my God, this is so rich! Notice how they DEMAND respect and did he say that Muslims oppose restrictions on religious freedoms??? I guess he needs to read this.)

"It is unacceptable to restrict the civil liberties of individuals who have the right to express their religious beliefs by wearing whatever they wish," he told the ABC newspaper. (ed. note: exsqueeze me, Sr. Escudero, curtain munchers are wearing what all you he-man, women haters DEMAND they wear)

And in other curtain munching news: "The Veil Controversy Islamism and liberalism face off." This article is an interesting read because not only does it discuss recent curtain munching events in Europe, it also talks about Tunisia and: "suggests that in both Tunisia and France the recent banning of the hijab has actually helped Muslim women who are subject to Islamist indoctrination."

This is an interesting factoid from the article too:
"the imperative to veil women justifies almost any means. Sometimes they try to buy off resistance. Some French Muslim families, for instance, are paid 500 euros (around $600) per quarter by extremist Muslim organizations just to have their daughters wear the hijab. This has also happened in the United States. Indeed, the famous and brave Syrian-American psychiatrist Wafa Sultan recently told the Jerusalem Post that after she moved to the United States in 1991, Saudis offered her $1,500 a month to cover her head and attend a mosque."

The real story here is this:
"But what Islamists use most is intimidation. A survey conducted in France in May 2003 found that 77 percent of girls wearing the hijab said they did so because of physical threats from Islamist groups. A series in the newspaper Libération in 2003 documented how Muslim women and girls in France who refuse to wear the hijab are insulted, rejected, and often physically threatened by Muslim males. One of the teenage girls interviewed said, "Every day, bearded men come to me and advise me strongly on wearing the veil. It is a war. For now, there are no dead, but there are looks and words that do kill."

Muslim women who try to rebel are considered "whores" and treated as outcasts"

The real reason that Curtain Munching gets under my skin:
"The veil is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the veil, there is the regressive interpretation of the sharia [Koranic law]. There are the three essential inequalities which define this interpretation: inequality between man and woman, between Muslim and non-Muslim, between free man and slave."