Friday, December 29, 2006

Miscellaneous Musings To Pass The Time...

Some of the save Saddam Hossein (sic) Anty(sic)Terrorism Movement crowd.

Well, it looks like the Butcher of Baghdad (remember that?) is going to meet his virgins tonight. So here's a little something to chew on while you wait.

Iran's Main Mullah, Ayatollah Khameini "Disavows the Pagans" here and you guessed it, nothing says pagan quite like all of us Western Infidels:

"Underlining the need for consolidating the united Islamic identity, Ayatollah Khamenei said the American government, the domineering capitalism of the West and the corrupt Zionist political lobbyists have begun to sense the truth of the Islamic awakening..."

Evidently Arlen Specter has had his Islamic awakening. What a POS this guy is. I can't for the life of me figure out what he thinks he is doing in Syria - although personal aggrandizement and massive self ego stroking do come to mind. Read all about Arlen's fantastic journey here at SANA. Perhaps he entertained his Syrian buds with an old-fashioned Pennsylvania rain dance? That would be nice and friendly-like. Meanwhile, on the heels of his visit Syria's Information Minister, Mohsen Bilal, cites the Baker-Hamilton report in his victory declaration here. It seems Syria has been right all along and now the world is agreeing with them. Israel must go! More Specterpalooza. Michael Rubin posits this point over at The Corner.

"Give Specter credit, though. There’s not even a Four Seasons for him to stay in, in Tehran. Nor is there a U.S. embassy whose staff he can task to arrange squash games for him. One of these days, some U.S. Embassy is going to leak or an enterprising journalist is going to FOIA a Specter visit cable so taxpayers can see his, um, unique requirements" (Ed. Note: I'd love to get a load of these wouldn't you?)
Speaking of points, Caroline Glick's latest take on the Iranian situation is here. Her opinion differs from the one recently expressed by Victor Davis Hanson here. Al-Ahram Weekly's is here. All are thought provoking. Who's the closest to being right, I wonder?

Looks like Mahmoud is putting out the booty call for more babies....and the Muslim World League wants to sue your ass.