Friday, February 23, 2007

NY Times Fabricates Ethiopia report - Dinah smells a rat.

Ethiopian Adviser Says Times Fabricated Report.

A senior Ethiopian official yesterday denied a report in The New York Times detailing the close and largely clandestine collaboration between Ethiopia and the United States to kill or capture leaders of Al Qaeda in the Horn of Africa.

U.S. Used Base in Ethiopia to Hunt Al Qaeda (February 23, 2007)
“The New York Times has fabricated this story, and if there is any Pentagon official whom they are quoting, then that official does not have the slightest knowledge of the region or Ethiopia,” Bereket Simon, a close adviser to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, told Reuters.

The Times report, published yesterday, chronicled how the American military had provided the Ethiopians with intelligence on the whereabouts of Islamic militants in Somalia and described how American AC-130 gunships had conducted strikes on Qaeda suspects using an airstrip in eastern Ethiopia.

The article was based on interviews with American officials, who agreed to discuss the collaboration because they saw it as relatively successful in disrupting terrorist networks in the region.

Read the rest of the article HERE at Maverick. P.S. Don't forget to go beneath the fold for some very good scoopage. And the islam-o-rat's ID.