Redneckery and Muslim Tomfoolery
This from that pantheon of journalistic excellence (cough-cough): The Arab American News
Canadians have had the prejudice that rednecks hold sway in Alberta. That will now have to change. The village of Hérouxville, 1300 strong, is now hands-down champion of red-neckery. It is a community that is overwhelmingly white, Catholic, native-born, and French-speaking. Its mayor and council have adopted a code of conduct "so that the future residents can integrate socially more easily."
Here come the Islamic Crybaby Brigades!!!!!
The Canadian Islamic Congress is considering making a complaint to the Quebec Human Rights Commission.
And this is the result:
André Drouin, the author of the notorious code, complained that the media had "misinterpreted" what had been done. By the meeting with the women, Hérouxville was, he said, showing the world that it is not racist. To further this effort to clarify the matter, the code has been rewritten to eliminate reference to stoning, burning with acid, and female circumcision. It appears that some necks are fading to pink, because of the bold initiative taken by the Canadian Islamic Congress and the six women.
What is the Islamic term for GLOATING???? What is the Islamic term for hypocrisy? What is the Islamic term for it's okay to call some one a redneck, but don't you dare call me a name or I will riot and burn stuff?
(Redneck Wimmen Unite against the Muslim menace!)
Read this. It will make more than your neck red ... especially this part:
Boughaba, who led the women's visit, said she was struck by how little the townspeople knew about Islam and its customs. Boughaba said André Drouin, the municipal councillor who drafted the code, told the women's delegation he had done some research before writing the rules.
"But people I met knew very little," she said. She was glad to share some of her beliefs with Hérouxville locals, but is realistic about changing people's opinions on reasonable accommodation. "Hérouxville won't change," she said. Boughaba believes pride is preventing Hérouxville from scrapping the code altogether. "We'll leave them to think about it for a bit of time."
Then we'll come back and start making some real trouble for, Ms. Boughaba?