Friday, March 30, 2007

Well, this is a nice birthday present...

School assistant loses veil appeal

A Muslim teaching assistant has lost her appeal against an employment tribunal's decision that not being allowed to wear a veil in the classroom was not discrimination. Aishah Azmi, 24, was suspended on full pay after staff at Headfield Church of England junior school in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, said pupils found it harder to understand her.
A Leeds employment tribunal dismissed three of Mrs Azmi's claims of discrimination and harassment, but found that she was victimised and awarded her £1,000 for "injury to feelings".
Poor baby. She had an injury to feelings. Well, color me concerned. The niqab she wears is just as bad as the white hood of the KKK to me and in my eyes she is committing a hate crime just wearing it. Harsh? Not when you have al qaeda leader's exhorting the good muslimahs to wear them as part of their personal jihad.