Thursday, September 20, 2007

Allied Victories since 9/11...

Feeling a little down about our fight against the war on terror, my friend?

Well, buck up, pardner and check out this handy summary of GWOT smackdowns to put the West's stunning success in the War on Terror in perspective. I have also sent it in an email to Senator Reid and Congresswoman Pelosi. They sure could use a little perspective, no? (And I'm also wondering how Dingy Harry feels this morning after being quoted by Al Qaeda in their latest agitprop tape. He should be ashamed of himself - something I helpfully point out in my email! See Gateway Pundit's Outrage: Al Qaeda leader Zawahiri steals Harry Reid's line. for the details)

(You might want to print this out to hand out to all your troop hating, America-bashing, Surrendercrat friends, family and acquaintances.)

Thanks to Pamela of Atlas Shrugs and a big tip of the hat to Edward for compiling the list...

1. No mega-attacks on US, UK or Australia.
2. No WMD attack.
3. Afghanistan liberated. Taliban deposed.
4. Al-Qaida bases in Afghanistan destroyed. (The bad news is they have moved to Pakistan.)
Afghanistan election.
5. Iraq liberated. Saddam deposed and executed. Greatest military victory of the West since the end of World War Two in 1945.
6. After years of post-liberation fighting, Iraqi "resistance" still holds no territory and its popular support has not grown. Thousands of jihad fighters have died for nothing.
7. Iraq election.
8. Second Battle of Fallujah
9. The front in this War on Islamism has been moved from the streets of America to where it should be fought - in the streets of the Middle East.
10. Lebanon revolution.
11. Lebanon destroys Fatah al-Islam.
12. Libya abandons WMD program.
13. Islamists defeated in Somalia.
14. Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim state, is now rated "Free".
15. Bush re-elected. Kerry defeated.
16. Blair re-elected.
17. Howard re-elected. Latham defeated.
18. Harper elected. Martin defeated. Canada back to normal.
19. Merkel elected. Schröder defeated. Germany back to normal.
20. Sarkozy elected. Royal defeated. Chirac out. France back to normal. "Axis of Weasels" is finished.
21. Saddam captured, executed.
22. His sons dead.
23. Chemical Ali captured, sentenced to death.
24. Tariq Aziz captured.
25. Saddam's intelligence chief executed.
26. Saddam's chief judge executed.
27. Saddam's vice-president executed.
28. Saddam's Defence Minister captured, sentenced to death.
29. Al-Zarqawi dead (leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq).
30. Sheikh Mansour dead (religious leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq).
31. Hamad Jama al-Saedi captured (second in command of Al-Qaeda in Iraq).
32. Muntasir al-Jibouri captured (leader of Ansar al Sunnah in Iraq).
33. Muharib Abdul Latif al-Jubouri dead (Al-Qaeda in Iraq).
34. Khaled al-Mashhadani captured (Al-Qaeda in Iraq).
35. Abu Jurah dead (Al-Qaeda in Iraq).
36. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed captured (the Butcher of 9/11, killer of Daniel Pearl).
37. Shamil Basayev dead (the Butcher of Beslan).
38. Hambali captured (the Butcher of Bali).
39. Azahari bin Husin dead (the Butcher of Bali).
40. Mustafa Nasar captured (the Butcher of Madrid and London).
41. Abdul Hadi al Iraqi captured (the Butcher of London).
42. Mohammed Atef dead (the Butcher of the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings).
43. Mushin Musa Matwalli Atwah dead (the Butcher of the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings).
44. Leader of Al Qaeda in Turkey captured (the Butcher of Istanbul).
45. Abu Ali al-Harithi dead (USS Cole bomber).
46. Tawfiq bin Attash captured (USS Cole bomber).
47. Midhat Mursi dead (Al Qaeda).
48. Abu Zubaydah captured (Al Qaeda).
49. Mohammed Jamal Khalifa dead (Al Qaeda).
50. Abu Faraj al-Libbi captured (Al Qaeda).
51. Abu Hamza Rabia dead (Al Qaeda).
52. Mullah Dadullah dead (Taliban butcher).
53. Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani dead (Taliban).
54. Mullah Brother dead (Taliban).
55. Taliban defense minister Mullah Obaidullah captured.
56. Abdullah Mehsud dead (Taliban).
57. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar captured (Afghan Islamofascist).
58. Abu Hamza jailed.
59. Omar Bakri Muhammad expelled.
60.Abdullah El-Faisal expelled.
61. Palestinian intifada defeated.
62. Palestinian civil war begins between Fatah and Hamas. As Charles Johnson says: "I'm rooting for both sides to achieve their objectives."
63. Arafat dead.
64. Abu Abbas dead (Palestine Liberation Front).
65. Mahmoud Zatme dead (Islamic Jihad).
66. Yassin dead (leader of Hamas).
67. Rantissi dead (leader of Hamas).