Friday, September 28, 2007

Busy morning here at Rancho el Lordo...

so here's a little help from my friends....

Always on Watch has a post up that talks about the Colossal and Premeditated Abuse of American Women by Muslims. (P.S. You can also listen to her radio show THE GATHERING STORM today 3pm EST)

Eye on The World is talking about the all the strong arming and glad handing Mahmoud is doing on his southern hemisphere swing tour, the Palestinian Gay Liberation Army and lots of good stuff.

And Lady V of Spanish Pundit is keeping close tabs on the grim situation in Burma. She has lots of pics from yesterday's protest in NY, too.

Well, it's Friday that means it's time for Tanka. (or is it Senryu?) Anyways hop over to Hard to Swallow as he (or is it she?) makes sense of the tragic absurdity of events on the ground in Burma.