Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Boy Scout saves Maldivian Prez from knife attack

Shouted "Allah Ackbar" as he attacked. "May" have religious motivation.

Gee, ya think?

The young man who tried to stab President Gayoom believes "the President is against Islam," a neighbour told Minivan News today.The attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" [God is great] as he tried to stab the President, according to the boy who intercepted him.

Police confirmed they have arrested the suspect, Mohamed Murushid, but would not give any motive for the attempt on the President's life. Murushid, 20, tried to stab Gayoom as he greeted locals on a visit to Haa Alif Hoarafushi this morning. Murushid, from Hoarafushi, brought out a knife hidden in a national flag, but local scout Mohamed Jaisham, 15, intervened. Jaisham, who hurt his hand in the scuffle, is being treated at the local Health Centre, but will be transferred to a Male' hospital later this afternoon.

About the attacker...

"...one islander, who lives nearby the suspect, and asked not to be named, told Minivan News Murushid is a "very religious" young man, who has said "the President is against Islam.""He [Murushid] talks about Islam a lot," said the islander, adding that Murushid has a beard, often associated with devout Muslims, although state-run Television Maldives (TVM) today broadcast pictures of a clean-shaven Murushid."

Sounds like Murushid got the old "shaheed shave" to be ready for his 72 virgins.