Saturday, February 09, 2008

Och! The Scots and Sharia

May the saints preserve us. They've all lost the plot...

Scots faith leaders support Sharia debate

THE CHURCH of Scotland has accused politicians of being too quick to reject the Archbishop of Canterbury’s suggestion that Sharia laws be recognised in Britain.

Dr Rowan Williams, the leader of the Anglican Church, yesterday called for an “accommodation” with parts of the Islamic legal code, but this was immediately dismissed by Number 10 and the Scottish Government yesterday. But Morag Mylne, the convenor of the Church of Scotland’s council, said the Anglican leader was sparking a sensible debate about the role of faith and law.

And challenging a statement from the Prime Minister, she said: “There is a difficulty in saying British law is informed by British values. That begs the question, what are British values?”

Indeed. Stoning, amputations, decapitations, whippings, honor killings, child rape and marriage, and polygamy just to name a few. Are those the kind of values you would like to have "informing" your laws, Morag? Keep it up, dearie and you'll be going around wearing a bag, Morag.

(tip of the Tam O'Shanter to Shariah Finance Watch)