Wednesday, March 12, 2008

EGYPT: Chinese alert: Incomplete digital Korans invade market

First, we had Adidas Akbar.

Now we have China stopping at nothing.

Incomplete digital Korans and fake pharaoh finds are invading the Egyptian market, the local media reported today, quoting a complaint by the most influential figure in Egyptian archaeology, Zahi Hawass. "A law protecting our finds from the Chinese fakes is indispensable," the secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities told ANSAmed after raising the alarm in front of the cultural committee in parliament yesterday. "The markets are invaded by fakes and we need to protect the general image of Egypt, enough with pyramids in the Louvre and temples in Las Vegas."

According to Hawass, the Egyptian antiquities should be protected by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with some sort of a brand.

Independent al Badil newspaper wrote that China has launched on the Egyptian market digital copies of the Koran with missing verses. The importer called upon the Chinese producer to correct the error, but the producer refused, the newspaper said.

Ooh, Chinese producer getting in trouble with Religion of Peace.
