Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mondo craziness in the land of Lord

Oh possums, I was just so happy being back at el Rancho Lordo and fighting the jihad with you.

Silly me. I should have known better.

Just got a call that my mother is in the hospital with a broken hip. She is being operated on tomorrow and is expected to be in the hospital for three days. After that it will be on to rehab.

I will fly back to the farm on Saturday and will stay as long as needed. (Or until they get tired of me and beg me to leave.)

It's kind of pathetic how much I will miss you all.


Let Go, Let God

With God guiding me, right and perfect outcomes emerge.

The decision is mine: How will I respond to the challenging situation at hand? When faced with a potentially uncomfortable situation -- perhaps a disagreement with a co-worker or a frank discussion with a friend -- I may have several responses to choose from.

One response might be to avoid the situation entirely!

Thankfully, however, I also have the choice to pray.

Prayer brings me peace and clarity. What a joy it is to know I have nothing to fear as I trust in God to be my guide. As I let go of worries, I am free to receive divine direction and insight. I let God guide my words and actions, allowing the right and perfect outcome to emerge. What might have before seemed like a conflict has now been transformed into an experience of growth.

"In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I am not afraid." -- Psalm 56:10-11