Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The mother of all bounty confusion

First, I read this report about the quiet decrease in the al Qaeda leader in Iraq's bounty from a cool million down to a measly 100k. (Ouch that's got to be leaving a mark on his manly ego.)

Meanwhile, kyros over at Report on Arrakis advises that we overpaid on this guy. US pays $500k for Khadr. (I agree.)

Then I see that the Sudanese government was offering a whopping 250 million US dollars for Khalil Ibrahim, the leader of J-E-M. (the major dude shown-who's his stylist, I wonder.)

WTF? That's ten times the amount OBL has on his head! Dude. That's major. Or maybe not. Oops. It looks like somebody goofed. That was to be paid in OLD Sudanese dollars not new...

The Sudanese government has doubled its bounty for the country's most wanted Darfur rebel leader to nearly $250,000, a government official said Tuesday.

State media had been reporting that the reward was 500 million new Sudanese pounds, the equivalent of $246 million. The media described that amount as the equivalent of hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars.

But Bakri Mullah, secretary general of the External Information Office, told The Associated Press Tuesday in response to repeated queries that the reward was actually 500 million old Sudanese pounds, the equivalent of about $246,000.

Sudan revalued its currency more than a year ago and the new pound is worth 1,000 times more than the old one.

Why is Sudanese President and Reverend Jeremiah Wright look alike, Omar Hassan al-Bashir so hot on Khalil's trail? Listen to what Khalil had to say about last week's attacks on Khartoum:

This is just the start of a process, and the end is the termination of this regime...Don't expect just one more attack. This is just the beginning."
