Friday, July 11, 2008

Karachi kids : the latest.

Federal agents were seen outside the home of two teenage brothers early Friday morning and were expected to talk to the two boys about their religious teaching they received in Pakistan.
As you know it was Congressman Michael McCaul of Texas who met with Musharraf and asked for the boys release so I found this statement to be interesting.

The Khan family said they did not contact McCaul for his help, and McCaul said he heard about their situation from another source.

Are the Khan family saying they didn't ask for help in getting the boys back to avoid retribution from the Religion of Peace or what? Surely, they had contact with the Congressman before he went to Pakistan. Surely, they knew about the Karachi Kids documentary. I don't know, but I'm starting to wonder what the real deal is with dad. And what about Mom? So far she appears to be a non-entity in the whole situation.

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

The Khan family recently tried to get the boys out of Pakistan but were unable to obtain exit visas. "I sent a ticket. But I couldn't get the paperwork," Fazal Khan said Wednesday.

In broken English mixed with Urdu, he said he would be happy to have his boys back. "I am responsible for my children."

In Atlanta, the Khan brothers loved to watch "The Simpsons" and skateboard. They said in the film that their father grew angry with their habits and once threw the television out of the house. They said their father decided to send them to Pakistan after he discovered dust on their Quran, a sign they had failed to pick it up in a while.

The brothers arrived in Pakistan in 2004, unable to speak Urdu and communicate with others. They faced the daunting task of memorizing a 600-page Quran. Noor estimated it would take him eight years.

"My dad told me, 'I am not bringing you back until you memorize the Quran,' " he said on camera.

Fazal Khan did not want to answer in-depth questions about his sons, but said this week that he wanted them to have more exposure to Islam.

Let's hope the FBI can determine just how much more exposure to Islam they received.
