Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Scarves making headlines...

From left: models at Paul Smith, Dolce and Gabbana and Gaultier.
Back to the Medieval...
Headscarves are becoming the new hot trend in Western fashion, with famed designer labels and industry biggest names explaining the appeal of the headwear as a comeback of elegance and chastity to the runways.
Industry experts agree the new headscarves trend is about bringing a touch of modesty and chic to the runways. According to Dennis Nothdruft, curator of London's Fashion and Textile Museum, the headscarf resurgence is about a new sense of "chastity" in fashion. He affirms that the trend is not all new after all. "Women wore headscarves in medieval times to maintain their modesty," he explains.

Vivienne Alexander, of Hermès fashion house, says that a sizable proportion of their customers are Muslims, who wear their products as hijab, Islam's obligatory code of dress for women.
But she affirms that the large bulk of the clients are non-Muslims who are seeking a modest, elegant look. "This is more about a return to that elegant Grace Kelly era than anything else."

And if you believe that, I'm Grace Kelly.
