UK: Jailhouse brawl between AQ terrorists and Brits
Four prison officers injured in out and out brawl.
Fighting broke out after the cell of al-Qaida hitman Kamel Bourgass was set alight. The 34-year-old Algerian – serving life for the murder of Special Branch detective Stephen Oake, 40 – escaped injury in the blaze. But a mass brawl kicked off five hours later after a British inmate was slashed across the face with a home-made knife in retaliation.
Around 60 British and foreign prisoners, many of them Muslim extremists, joined in the battle inside Frankland Prison, Durham. The maximum security jail houses some of the country’s most dangerous convicts, including Soham killer Ian Huntley, 34.
Rioting inmates then turned on prison officers who tried to break up the brawl. One warder suffered a broken arm, while three others ended up in hospital with cuts and bruises. A jail source said: “The whole place is on edge. It’s like a mini version of the war in Afghanistan.”
A Prison Service spokesman said: “The matter has been referred to the police for investigation.”I'm sure you remember Kamel Bourgass and his Castor beans for ricin production. An al-Qaeda suspect who stabbed to death a policeman has been jailed for 17 years for plotting to spread ricin and other poisons on the UK's streets. Kamel Bourgass, 31, is already serving a life term after being convicted of murdering Detective Constable Stephen Oake during a 2003 raid in Manchester.
All you lefty Dem's take note. This is what happens when you treat terrorism as a crime. If you try to house terrorists with the general prison population, you will find out what prison justice looks like. Personally, I can't wait. Warning to the squeamish moonbat - boiling oil is involved.
Steve Cox, from the Prison Officers’ Association, said tensions were high at the prison because of the large number of terrorists. He said: “There is an ongoing problem at Frankland borne out of terrorist prisoners being housed with other prisoners.”
A haul of lethal weapons has been seized from inmates at Frankland in the past year, after racial tensions in the prison reached fever pitch, with clashes between inmates.
The stash included 52 bladed weapons, cooking oil and razor blades, as well as pornography.
Boiling cooking fat was used in an attack on al Qaeda terrorist Dhiren Barot last July and robber Malcolm Cruddas was targeted two months later using the same method.