Italy Bans the Burka. Now this is news!
Okay, I know I had signed off for the evening and the lord and master had finished the last "deal call" so he was off for the weekend, too (here on Sunday night) but I saw this headline and I just had to post.
This is awesome.
Italy bans Islamic burqas
Natasha Bita, Florence
August 01, 2005
ITALY has banned Islamic burqas under tough terrorism laws that provide two-year jail terms and E2000 ($3200) fines for anyone caught covering their face in a public place.
Although Dinah has to admit that the burka has no place in the 21st century, one of her best times in a bar(and dear old Dinah, she's had a few) was at the Ace of Diamonds in Diamond Ohio, Halloween 2003. She and sister-in-law Karen disguised themselves in full burka mode and had the time of their lives. Won the prize for best costume, too. And Dinah, being one of the biggest flirts in the universe loved being undercover - nobody, and I mean nobody, knew who we were. It was a blast. But that's just the point. It's a great Halloween costume. It's not meant for modern woman. It's time to get with the fashion program, ladies of the middle east. No need to hide your light under a bushel anymore. Read all about it here: