A Picture is Worth a Thousand Qods
What is QODS?
"The Qods (Jerusalem) Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is responsible for extraterritorial operations, including terrorist operations. A primary focus for the Qods Force is training Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups. Currently, the Qods Force conducts training activities in Iran and in Sudan. The Qods Force is also responsible for gathering information required for targeting and attack planning."
Propaganda 101: Go to this series of photos taken at the World Qods Day Rally to get the total picture. I'll post a few here to get the party started. One question. Isn't this picture the little girl that was shown to be a plant by Green Helmet Guy?

Note the masks of President Bush, Condoleezza Rice et al.

I can't tell - is this a picture of the front or back of the burka brigade?

Child abuse. Iranian style.

How do you like this immigrant crossing sign ripoff. Disgusting.

Go ahead. View them all. See what we are up against. Especially the one with Ahmadinejad standing behind a huge banner calling for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map. Charming.
World Qods Day: It's a target rich environment as far as I am concerned.