Calling all Pajamahideen!
How many anti-jihadi websites have you seen this at?

Well, if something's not done - it will be GONE.
Your help is urgently needed.
The Religion of Peace, the go-to guys on all things Islamic is being harassed and slandered by some shadowy, shady character with ties to CAIR. (tip of the tiara to Queen Aurora over at The Midnight Sun for this gem!)
A campaign of harassment has been carried out against the excellent anti-jihadi blog, The Religion of Peace with the help of several internet companies. A shadowy character calling himself ‘Rev. Jim Sutter’ (a pseudonym) has lied, harassed and campaigned to have this website closed down. Who is this ‘Rev. Jim Sutter’ and who is behind him? And why out of all the anti-jihad blogs did he target this one? Read the astonishing story below.
Read it and act. We all need to take a stand on this, ladies and gentlemen.
Out of respect for others The Religion of Peace has avoided asking for assistance. They did not want to impose their problems onto anyone else. I have permission to make this appeal on their behalf.
Please ask your readers to contact the following companies with a short polite e-mail clearly stating that The Religion of Peace -(include the url in the e-mails) is against violence, not racist and should be categorized appropriately under labels such as General News, Politics and Religion. To the best of our knowledge the e-mail addresses are correct.
If anyone encounters problems please contact either myself or The Religion of Peace:
Secure Computing e-mail: ">
SonicWall e-mail:
SurfControl e-mail:
It's all hands on deck for this one, possums.
About Reverend Jim Sutter:
CAIR and the Con Artist
... I subsequently learned that the person behind it is a 51-year-old Cleveland, Ohio area man named Jim Sutter. Sutter is a disturbed man whose only real claim to fame is having successfully used e-mail aliases to persuade the Internet's largest censorware providers to block websites that do not share his particular ideology (including my own).
Sutter also calls himself "Reverend" and claims to be a highly decorated Navy Seal combat veteran who holds the Navy Cross and four Purple Hearts. He says that he has three doctorates and two master degrees, and claims to speak eleven languages, including Arabic. In fact, all of Sutter's "degrees" are mail order certificates, his title of "reverend" is bogus, and he is not the retired Navy officer that he claims to be, much less a decorated Seal.
Sutter actually dropped out of the Navy in 1976 after only seven months of mess hall training (he never saw an active duty assignment or combat). He obviously spends a good deal of time inventing fantasies about himself that often fool others.Sutter is also a two-time felon, but the worst thing that he may have done is to portray himself as a licensed professional counselor actively seeking victims of rape and psychological trauma. His current scheme is running an intellectually-challenged blog in which he pretends to be an "anti-hate" crusader with a one-word vocabulary (everyone with whom Sutter disagrees is automatically slurred as a racist, regardless of their actual view on race).
There's more here.
...It turns out that our Phony Rev’s “anti-hate” crusade is about as genuine as the rest of him. Over the last several months at least, Sutter has been busy stirring up hatred against Muslims and Jews through the use of e-mail aliases. Disguised as a Muslim writer, Sutter has called Jews “pigs,” spouted 9-11 conspiracy theory and even defended the practices of slavery, beheading and pedophilia to anti-Islamist site operators.
Under another alias (this one non-Muslim) Jim Sutter has actually advocated shooting Muslims and bombing mosques. This is one sick puppy. A few more details about this can be found here.
Perhaps the most interesting thing to come out of this is that the Council on American-Islamic Relations, though made aware of Sutter's dishonesty and 'covert' activities, has continued to stand by its endorsement of him.
The man himself:
