Saturday, March 01, 2008

Fitna: Dutch PM's ominous words to Wilders

From Ferdy over at Klein Verzet.

(The full transcript of the PM's remarks can be found here. )

It was and is our responsibility to draw Mr Wilders' attention to the possible consequences of his deeds. Freedom does not absolve anyone from responsibility. Already we are having to take account of serious threats to Dutch people and Dutch interests in a number of countries. We have the duty to point this out to Mr Wilders. This is why we are speaking out today: because we care about the safety of Dutch nationals and businesses in other countries. About the Dutch armed forces, who are carrying out important missions. And about the interests of the Netherlands in the broadest sense, the values for which we stand and our international reputation. We call on Mr Wilders to bear all this in mind as he considers his course of action.'

Wilders responds:

What ever the government or employers or others will do, or where they in their cowardliness and dhimmitude call for, my film about the fascist Koran and barbaric Mohamed is finished now and will be broadcasted on the internet and / or television in March. The government may bow and surrender to Islam. I will never, ever, do that.

Ferdy thinks that the Dutch broadcasters will all refuse to show the film.

I'm thinking he's right.
