Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fitna: Dutch church leaders go crawling on their bellies in the dirt

to seek an audience with the Egyptian Grand Mufti...begging for understanding. (all hoping to get out with their heads intact, no doubt.) Even worse, they are making plans to take their act on the road to all the Islamic countries to let them know that "Wilders represents small segment of society" and that "We're not really like that."

No, they're all dhimmi, dhimmi, dhimmi and craven fools.

The Dutch church leaders will seek audience with the Egyptian Grand Mufti in an attempt to limit the damage that could be caused by MP Geert Wilders' anti-Koran film.

Muhammed Sayyed Tantawi will receive the Dutch delegation in Cairo next week. He is regarded as one of the highest religious authorities in the Islamic world.

Representatives of the Dutch Protestant Church (PKN) and the Council of Churches wish to make it clear to the Grand Mufti that the Netherlands is a tolerant country, according to Driss el-Boujoufi. He is the chairman of CMO, the official dialogue partner for the Dutch government on Islam and integration issues.

CMO and another Dutch Muslim body, the Contact Group Islam (CGI) proposed visiting the Grand Mufti, according to PKN chairman Bas Plaisier. CMO and CGI representatives will accompany the church leaders to Egypt.

"In many Islamic countries, Wilders' film will give spiritual leaders an erroneous impression of the Netherlands," el-Boujoufi explained. "We want to make it clear that the Netherlands is a tolerant country where Muslims and Christians live together in harmony and can each practice their own faith. It must be clear that Wilders only represents a small segment of Dutch society".

The delegation also wishes to ensure that Christians in Egypt are not "confronted with a wrongful negative image and prejudice" as a result of Wilders' film, according to Plaisier. The intention is that the delegation will visit other countries after Egypt, although Plaisier could not yet give any names.
