Sunday, March 09, 2008

It's my dream too...

Feeling that vibe again.

As you know DL has been on a security kick lately. You may be wondering am I.

What can I say, it's been this strange, weird urge that just keeps coming over me, like a quickening of the heart and mind, some crazy cosmic call to action that can't be ignored, a divine mission from outer space or something. You know my Linda Hamilton in The Terminator vibe thing.

Hell, I don't know what it is.

I just know that the last time I had this feeling to get stronger and ready to face as yet unseen challenges was back in the early 90's. I kind of listened then and I was glad I did. Looking back, I see I could have done more to get ready. I plan on doing more now. (weapons and self defense. Thanks to Miss Janice over at NUGGETS for turning me on to Krav Maga - Miss Janice. It's perfect.) And I am also starting this with an eye to getting my nieces ready, too.

About those young nieces: Their mother (my wild child of a sister) was killed in a car accident several years ago so we are very close. Their father is largely absentee, an alcoholic loser. They are beautiful girls and sweet as pie, TO ME. (I have a feeling they're a little wilder and bolder when they're not hanging with Aunt D. Hah. The apples didn't fall far from this tree!) But believe me when I say they have had a rough life, in a rough place, at a rough time and I'm always wondering about their friends. And I worry even more about the skanky looking friends of those friends.

More importantly, I see the way men look at them when we're out together. They are blissfully unaware of course, but I am watching them like an old red-tailed hawk and I see them. (It's funny how when you become a woman of certain age you can make yourself invisible.) I also see the difference between good clean fun looks and the leers from "splooge-brained droogies."

Needless to say, this article by Doug Giles struck a chord with me and I thought I'd share it with you.

I have a dream: No more women, abused, raped or murdered.

I print it in it's entirety here and beneath the fold.

I’d like to see a nationwide tsunami of ladies equipped to the teeth with the physical prowess and the firearm capability to kill any and all would-be murderers and rapists should such a creeps ever accost them.

I have a dream!
A dream where girls walk in utter confidence amongst the masturbatory me-monkeys that surround them. A dream where women have solid assurance that they can and will serve some ham-fisted tool his own scrotum if need be.

I have a dream!
A dream where instead of reading about a cute college coed left dead and naked out in a vacant lot or bloated and floating in a river, the story reads, “dead jack ass found double-tapped and dead on the curb as his soul wings its way to hell, all because he messed with the wrong mama.”

A dream where it’s normal for girls to know Jui Jitsu and mixed martial arts. A dream where they can shoot golf ball sized groups with their .38 at 15ft. A dream where they have a BS detector that’s so sensitive they can read people and environments with godlike clarity within a nanosecond.

I have a dream!

A dream where the Joran van der Sloots and all the other Bobbie Cutts-like splooge brained droogies in the midst of us live forever in fear. A dream where parents will raise their daughters to be sweet and deadly dames.

I have a dream where if some douche bag in the name of his stupid religion ever abuses his wife or daughter and God doesn’t strike him dead on the spot, that his wife or daughter will. Okay, maybe that’s too extreme. How about put him in an irreversible coma?

I have a dream!

A dream where the tide turns in the news cycle and we start hearing reports of molesting men going to an early grave instead of a good girl. A dream where if a girl tells her buddies that a guy is bothering her, her friends scare the living daylights out of him. Can I get a witness?

I have a dream where Christian parents will flush this “turn the other cheek” stuff down the crapper once and for all when it comes to their daughter being assaulted by an autoerotic mook trying to work out his Silence of the Lambs fantasy in real time.

I have a dream!

How did this dream come about? This holy vision came from God in direct response to my prayers over the cultural nightmare women in the US live with now, namely:

• One rape or sexual assault occurring every two minutes

• One violent crime occurring every five seconds

• 172 women being physically and/or sexually assaulted every hour

• 261,000 rapes and sexual assaults occurring in the US in 2006

• 2.8 percent of college women experiencing rape (according to a six-month US Department of Justice study)

• 17 percent of rape or sexual assault victims being victimized by someone they knew

• One murder occurring every 34 minutes

How do I know it was God who spawned this afflatus? It’s easy for me to know it was Him because every time He speaks to me (and it’s quite often), it’s always in a high-pitched, angry Chinese accent.

In addition to God birthing this vision within me, another factor gave rise to this would-be dream world of mine: I just realized that protective fathers, brothers, friends and bad-ass uncles aren’t omnipresent (I know . . . I’m slow. I went to public school), and therefore all girls everywhere have to rely upon themselves as their first line of defense.

Yes, since their gallant male counterparts can’t be everywhere at all times to render aid, we’ve got make certain that our babies know how to leave a bad guy severely inoperative and, if need be, kill them all by their lonesome. That is my definition of “girl power.” This is my dream: all girls of every conceivable stripe having the attitude, skill, and force to pulverize a felonious punk.

I’d like see the following:

• One million girls flooding into martial art classes

• One million girls getting handgun training

• One million girls purchasing their own piece and getting licensed to carry it

• One million girls getting a taser for the less egregious attacks (

• One million girls getting a heavy dose of common sense to avoid, as much as possible, dangerous scenarios

This concludes my heavenly vision.

Mine too.