Friday, March 07, 2008

Rolling in the Escalade to the Ben Lomond Gun Club

Readers of DL will know that I have been trying to get over to the Ben Lomond Gun Club to case the joint since this - well, yesterday I finally made it. It was a beautiful day as you can see, and I thought you might like to check it out with me in the comfort of your very own pajamas.

It's located far out of civilization and located in ranch land, rolling hills with lots of range and wide open spaces. Truly where the deer and the antelope play. After you turn off the highway the last 5 miles is a winding, dusty, dirt road with that distinctive washboard feel that dirt roads get when they need graded. Ah! The ranch life!

About the Ben Lomond Gun Club - when they say they are the Premier Gun Club in Colorado they' aren't just whistling Dixie. The facility at the club was - well, kind of intimidating for the likes of a rank amateur like me. Seriously. The range extends almost all the way to the horizon.

Members only, thank you.

See what I mean by serious?

They've even got a Dodge City shoot 'em up.

This sounds ominous. (See what I mean about the rank amateur thing?)

The Possum Cam.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for prime time here...
Still going to contact them about firearm lessons and membership info
as well as check out some other options.
