Saturday, April 12, 2008

Five years ago today...

Ten of the main suspects in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole escaped from prison in Yemen.
How ironic that it comes:

two weeks after a US Navy ship in the Suez Canal fired upon a small boat approaching in a manner identical to the attack on the USS Cole.

the same day as Iranian terrorist speedboats made a run on a US Navy ship in the Persian Gulf in a manner similar to the attack on the USS Cole.

And less than a month after a Pentagon report revealed that captured documents from Saddam’s regime showed they had prepared for an operation

almost identical to the attack on the USS Cole called Operation Basra Revenge

In honor of all those who perished and to remind yourself how the perpetrators of this heinous act were basically let off scot free please go to Terrorism: Politicians and Victims and read "To The Good People of Yemen" a letter from Gary, the father of a USS Cole victim.
