Saturday, June 03, 2006

On This Day In The Post 9/11/01 World

courtesy of The Religion of Peace

Afghanistan, Tirin Kot - The Taliban invade the home of a civic educator, beat up his elderly father, then execute him.
Afghanistan, Kandahar - Five separate attacks by the Taliban, leave five people dead and at least five others injured.
Iraq, Balad - Ten Iraqis are slaughtered by a suicidal religious fanatic in a car bombing. Twelve more are injured.
Pakistan, North Waziristan - al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills a border guard and injures two others.
India, Kellar Pahalgam - A political activist is assassinated by militant Muslims. Another civilian his killed in his home in a separate attack (Kishtwar).
India, Kishtwar - A man is killed in his home by the Mujahideen, who had abducted and murdered a second person earlier.
Kosovo, Obilic - Three members of a Serb family, including an elderly couple, are beaten to death in their beds by Muslim attackers.
India, Dureja - Muslims kill a woman for granting official approval to an inter-religious marriage.