Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Poppycock and Kidneys...

These Royals really need to get with the program. 'Islamic' Camilla dumps poppy The aide said the plastic flower had got in the way of her cashmere Islamic-style dupatta scarf, worn to show respect for the traditions of her Muslim hosts."It was catching on her scarf so she was advised it was best to take it off," he said. "She was advised it was better to wear the scarf rather than the poppy."

The Iranians can't get their oil bourse up and running but they can handle a KIDNEY EXCHANGE: Iran's desperate kidney traders At the Tehran branch of the Association of Kidney Patients, one of many agencies set up to facilitate the trade, the reception is full of people. In the narrow, drab corridors, people are waiting in line, either to fill in forms, answer questions, undergo tests or be X-rayed, and finally to be operated on. Activity is intense, bordering on the chaotic. Registers are filled in, photographs of patients are pasted onto small cards, and the telephone rings endlessly. Prices are inquired about and haggled over. Some people get upset at what they see as low prices and leave in anger.

Hoo-boy! Turkey: Archeologist Claims Islamic Headscarf Derives From Sex Rites. Courtesy of Western Resistance. Turkey has a strange habit of enforcing Article 301 of its penal code, which insults "Turkishness". This has been used to prosecute numerous artists, cartoonists, editors, and most famously, the Nobel-prize winning author Orhan Pamuk. The law is often used by the Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to prosecute anyone who satirizes him.
The latest bizarre prosecution involves a 92-year old woman, female archeologist Muazzez Ilmiye Cig, who is being prosecuted for "inciting religious hatred" states the
Jerusalem Post, the Australian, Web Islam and Middle East Times. Her alleged "crime" is that she has suggested that the "Islamic" headscarf originally derives from sexual rites from Sumer.

O Canada! Muslim says veil views sparked vandalism. Leader believes recent attacks result of her stance Farzana Hassan knows the very sight of her unveiled face angers the men who despise her outspoken views. Last week, the president of the Muslim Canadian Congress learned how deep the divisions might be.

The Hijab Makes a Comeback for Egyptians in Ramadan: Egyptian actresses who left the world of entertainment for a more "religiously correct" lifestyle are back on TV screens this Ramadan, in a bid to reinvent their image more in line with the growing Islamic trend.

Courtesy of News From Norway: Abused wife found by police officers after fire. A thirty three year old Bangladeshi male has been charged with severely abusing his teenage wife. The man has been in police custody for two weeks, and has been charged with violating paragraph 219 of the penal code, a paragraph that deals specifically with domestic violence.

Vive Le France - a tip of the chapeau to No Pasaran: As of 2 hours ago (6AM CET), Police have converged on several Marseille housing projects, all in the same neighborhood, in an attempt to arrest the French youths who torched a bus Saturday evening. Sources say that 4 individuals aged from 14-17 years old are being sought.UPDATE: 5 arrests were made, including several minors. Expect France's bleeding heart preSS to go into full swing with background articles on the underprivileged childhoods of these chères têtes blondes. One father screamed "That's my son. He's 14 years old and has an alibi" as his petit bout de chou was led away.