She wore an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny....
Black burkini?
Australia's burkini set to put Muslim women in the swim."What do you get when you cross Australian beach culture
Umm. Let me guess. SHARIA????????
with a desire to remain clothed in a way acceptable to Muslim women?"
Some snippets:"With Australian beaches full of girls in skimpy bikinis and revealing one-pieces, there was a 'hole in the market that needed to be filled' for more modest beachwear, she said." (Ed. note: the use of the "hole that needs filled" analogy jumps out at me. Is there a wag down under having a little fun with words?)
"Zanetti is something of an accidental designer. Trained as a hairdresser, she has never worn a burqa, the restrictive all-encompassing gown worn by women in more conservative Muslim cultures from which her full-body swimsuits take their name. And she never wore a veil until she began designing sportswear." (Ed. note: At least she's got the capitalist gene.)
With a motto of "Modesty is number one", the burkinis go for $125 to $165 and have been featured in porno videos (Ed. Note: still trying to find out which one - hah!), a reality that the designer pays no mind to.
Another reality? The Australian gov't has reached out to Muslims to participate in the volunteer lifesaver program. Just another step as the world slouches toward sharia. Mark my words, women only beaches will be next like in Italy. Dubai. Seattle. (Ed. note: Gov't funded apartheid.) The U.K. The final step: The Somalia solution, where the wimmen are banned altogether.
In the words of one of the newly minted Muslima lifesavers:"It is daunting but we are doing it for a good cause. Not only for our community but for ourselves also. I am doing it for everybody. It's pretty much just like, 'Look at me, I am just like everybody else, the only difference is what I wear'."
I've said it once, I'll say it again. If they are going to wear the veil as a mark of 'their community' and the religious leaders including but not of 'their community' proclaim the veil to be a weapon in the war on the infidel they are no better than KKK garb and should be banned. You wouldn't let Senator Robert Byrd shuffle around the Senate in his hood and sheet would you?
Speaking of shuffling around in a bedsheet:"The burkini is also supported by the country's highest-profile Islamic cleric, Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali, a controversial figure who last year sparked outrage when he used a sermon to compare what he viewed as immodestly-dressed women to "uncovered meat". Zanetti proudly displays the certificate of approval for her products given to her by the sheik. But she says he does not speak for every Muslim. "As a religious leader he is a very good leader. But as a spokesperson, on behalf of Australian Muslims, I don't think it's suitable for him to speak. That's not his job. But as a religious leader, he's excellent," she said." (Ed.note: Girl, good thing you sucked up to him there at the end. Saying stuff like that is just asking for a big fat fatwa on your burkini clad butt)
Here we go again. Ladies, how many times does Dinah have to tell you? Do not, I repeat, do not look to a man for wardrobe approval. Ever. Unless he's a gay man, of course. That's completely different but then again, I would imagine that out of the closet gay men are pretty thin on the ground in Muzzie-world. What with them being beheaded for being gay and all."She said no other Islamic religious figure in the country would give her formal approval for the burkini. "Mind you, their wives bought them," she says."
Mind you.